Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Miserable Mofos:

“I once cried because I didn’t have shoes. Then I met a man with no feet.”

1 thing goes wrong in their life and they immediately say, "OMG I WANNA DIIIEE!!!" Well fuck you! Thousands wish they were in ur shoes RIGHT NOW yet u complain about stupid stuff. Half the world doesn't even have electricity or running water for goodness sake yet u complain about.. a.. umm.. bad boyfriends or some other ignorant shit? Negative ppl w/ negative energy = only spreads their disease to others, do urself a favor and find meaning in ur life. This does not include: Relationships, partying, getting drunk, gossiping, watching TV (unless it's the discovery channel). Ever heard of: "Being happy with one's self?" Unfortunately not bcuz u're too bz thinking about how miserable ur life is. My suggestion: "DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!" You are your only obstacle...

Key Ingredients to Misery:
1. Laziness
2. Doing the same thing over expecting different results (you DO know this is a trait of insanity right?)
3. Pessimistic behavior
4. Giving up
5. Doing nothing all day couped in a house
6. Cannot think in other realms of possibility, stuck in their own miserable reality and can see only 1 path. (aka Tunnel Vision)
7. Blames others/things for their misery
8. Cannot accept fault
9. In denial 24/7 of obvious truths (ok, maybe not so obvious to them)
10. Always thinks they're right
11. Close-Minded
12. Unable to see where they r in life 10 yrs from now
13. Did not bookmark or thoroughly read:

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