Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Life of the Low Self-Esteem Hot Girls

1. Goes to LOTS of parties (to get confirmation of their hotness from an endless stream of compliments... but somehow still believe they're "unattractive?")

2. Never get with any of the guys (to appear unattainable so more guys will fight over them so they can feel more hot)

3. Accompanied by a DUFF ("Designated Ugly Fat Friend" to make herself look better; the DUFF also feels good about herself since her hot friend is attracting all these fine young men and "someone" has to jump on the bomb.. but of course DUFFs never realizes this and obtains a false sense of security)

4. Spends countless hrs gossiping over the phone to her gfs (or lack there of, hot girls usually have 1-3 female friends.. the rest r men) about the boys that are following her around (secretly trying to get into her pants but disguise it as being gentlemenly).

5. Her world revolves around "Sexy Back." Everything must be "sexy." The way she walks/talks/dances bcuz she is insecure to act normal (yes.. her real self that burps/farts/a total slob at home) or to be seen in public w/o makeup.

Conclusion: They attract only assholes that want ass and those that dont mind sharing their STDs. Nice guys never approach them thinking they r "too unattainable," or "too slutty," therefore nice guys never see them as women that command respect. Maybe when these girls hit their 28's, they'll consider tossing out the boob revealing shirts. Less is More my friend. The new sexy is CLASSY. (which this world lacks... or maybe im hanging around too many immature lil brats?)

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