Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Attention Whores

You know what pisses me off? Those mellow dramatic "I want attention and sympathy" immature people who wallow in their self pity. I'm sure you have the worst problems in the world (go read our previous posts on "Bitchin' About Small Things" and "Miserable Mofos"). We all got our problems. Yeah you know them, these are those people that when the slightest thing goes wrong in their lives, they spam "LIFE SUCKS" as their away message, and some emo stupid poem that they found on the internet that goes something like this...

"When you look at me
what do you see?
A girl so full of life
with smiles and joy to share?
Or one full of misery
with pain eating at her soul.
No one sees the real me
underneath my exterior"

blah blah blah

So pitiful that it'll make you yack in your mouth because chances are, its over some asshole boyfriend that cheated on them (for the 7th time, because they got back together 7 times prior).

Then you actually get bored, or care a little, and ask them "hey friend, what's wrong?" and they reply, "Nothing." ........ fuck you, don't put it out theere for the world and say nothing's wrong, you KNOW people are gonna ask, if you don't wanna talk about it then DON'T PUT IT OUT THERE. GET A LIFE. You don't see adults running around talking about how miserable life is, or spamming stupid miserable poems in their profiles, or walking around sulking. Who said life was easy? What defines us is how we deal with life. Grow the fuck up.

Criticism - Can You Take it?

Those that cannot take it or need it to be "watered down" subconsciously tell you that they are not succeptable to change. Please do not cry about it - In order to grow as a person, people must find their weaknesses. If I went around all day thinking I'm "hot shiet" not only am I delusional, but once I hit the "top"... there is only one way to go: DOWN. However, if you view your world as a learning experience and learn from your mistakes, you leave room for growth. "Why do we fall" to learn how to pick ourselves back up!

Techniques of the Thinking:
Lesson #1 - I call this the Free Mind Theory: one whom is unbiased and can evaluate the situation/argue points of views from both parties. Essentially, arguing is an art. There is no right or wrong, but the way a case is presented is what validifies the statement.

There are too many suck butts who tremble at the slightest remark or "attack" of their character and take it way too personal when it is simply constructive criticism. Of course telling someone that they are "stupid" will not help any situation, however some people freak out when they hear people say things such as, "I think you could do better in such and such by improving on such and such..." They immediately shut this person out and take it as a personal attack.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Selfish People

(I see so many chicks complain that they cant change their bfs or if they do, it's only temporary so this is for you guys)

Everyone is selfish but we all must also be courtious. Let's take example ur significant other (aka the #1 source of where any1 should look for for selflessness in another individual) We can safely assume (sometimes) that this person would generally lookout for ur best interests and be selfless toward you... I mean... that IS self explanatory isnt it? So supposedly you "love" this person and would "do anything" for them right? (Or at least it's easier said than done) Yet you find them constantly contradicting themselves... you grow impatient and sit here and wonder when they would snap out of it and realize they need to start changing a few things. It's not that you're selfish and want change "OR ELSE!!!", it's the fact that you care for the other person to want that change to happen for their own sake. Now we all know you simply cant tell someone to do something, so you're patient and wait for them to realize it on their own without putting pressure on any change. NOPE, doesnt happen, shows very well that they're selfish and most of their actions scream "Me me me, I lookout for #1!" You get fed up, confront them, and finally ask them, "Do this one thing for me." They do it.... for awhile (say 1-2 weeks) then revert back to their old selves again. They know they feel guilty for doing it, so their way of "not doing it" is to do it 50% or simply behind ur back.... *scratch head* in the end... they're STILL DOING IT!

Solution: Do NOT tolerate these mother fuckers. If they exhibit a trait you cannot live with, drop it like it's hot before you get burned. Otherwise, you might move on being a very pissed off person carrying tons of baggage into the next relationship. (however if it's already too late and u already exhibit this behavior, you can find other solutions on thesixthcents blogspot!)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Miserable Mofos:

“I once cried because I didn’t have shoes. Then I met a man with no feet.”

1 thing goes wrong in their life and they immediately say, "OMG I WANNA DIIIEE!!!" Well fuck you! Thousands wish they were in ur shoes RIGHT NOW yet u complain about stupid stuff. Half the world doesn't even have electricity or running water for goodness sake yet u complain about.. a.. umm.. bad boyfriends or some other ignorant shit? Negative ppl w/ negative energy = only spreads their disease to others, do urself a favor and find meaning in ur life. This does not include: Relationships, partying, getting drunk, gossiping, watching TV (unless it's the discovery channel). Ever heard of: "Being happy with one's self?" Unfortunately not bcuz u're too bz thinking about how miserable ur life is. My suggestion: "DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!" You are your only obstacle...

Key Ingredients to Misery:
1. Laziness
2. Doing the same thing over expecting different results (you DO know this is a trait of insanity right?)
3. Pessimistic behavior
4. Giving up
5. Doing nothing all day couped in a house
6. Cannot think in other realms of possibility, stuck in their own miserable reality and can see only 1 path. (aka Tunnel Vision)
7. Blames others/things for their misery
8. Cannot accept fault
9. In denial 24/7 of obvious truths (ok, maybe not so obvious to them)
10. Always thinks they're right
11. Close-Minded
12. Unable to see where they r in life 10 yrs from now
13. Did not bookmark or thoroughly read:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Life of the Low Self-Esteem Hot Girls

1. Goes to LOTS of parties (to get confirmation of their hotness from an endless stream of compliments... but somehow still believe they're "unattractive?")

2. Never get with any of the guys (to appear unattainable so more guys will fight over them so they can feel more hot)

3. Accompanied by a DUFF ("Designated Ugly Fat Friend" to make herself look better; the DUFF also feels good about herself since her hot friend is attracting all these fine young men and "someone" has to jump on the bomb.. but of course DUFFs never realizes this and obtains a false sense of security)

4. Spends countless hrs gossiping over the phone to her gfs (or lack there of, hot girls usually have 1-3 female friends.. the rest r men) about the boys that are following her around (secretly trying to get into her pants but disguise it as being gentlemenly).

5. Her world revolves around "Sexy Back." Everything must be "sexy." The way she walks/talks/dances bcuz she is insecure to act normal (yes.. her real self that burps/farts/a total slob at home) or to be seen in public w/o makeup.

Conclusion: They attract only assholes that want ass and those that dont mind sharing their STDs. Nice guys never approach them thinking they r "too unattainable," or "too slutty," therefore nice guys never see them as women that command respect. Maybe when these girls hit their 28's, they'll consider tossing out the boob revealing shirts. Less is More my friend. The new sexy is CLASSY. (which this world lacks... or maybe im hanging around too many immature lil brats?)

Monday, March 19, 2007

"Entertain Me!" (your non-social "party" tag along friend)

Today's Rant: There are types of ppl called "ENTERTAIN ME!!!" ppl. Ok, so u and a friend walk into a party and you probably know just as many ppl as he/she does... aka No One. You decide to talk it up w/ a few random strangers whereas he/she sits in the corner staring at the ground. So naturally you want to be a good host and talk to them... but there's only 1 problem... you're the ONLY person they will talk to and will ever talk to for the duration of the entire night. What do I look like to you.. a court jester? I'm not here to entertaaain yo azz, might as well have just stayed home if u wanna stare at the ground! This party doesn't have room for non-social freakazoids, that's what the corner's for!

Say wha? u're cool!? Maybe by urself... but hangout buddy? NOPE!!! *cris-cross* X out the name to bring along to the next party

Bitchin' About Small Things

To the everyday person - READ THIS:

- 1.3 billion people living today on less than a dollar a day.

- Half the world's population lives on two dollars a day, and 800 million people are malnourished in developing countries.

- 1.3 billion people who have no clean water.

- Two billion people have no sanitation.

- Two billion have no electricity.

- Almost 1.5 billion people have dangerous outdoor air pollution, and probably 2 to 2.5 billion are exposed to dangerous indoor air pollution or vector (insect)-borne diseases. Many live in areas of civil strife and are vulnerable to natural disasters.

And if this hasn't made you stop to think and appreciate your life for a second, then let me continue. According to the United Nations, about 70 percent of the human population lives in poverty, most of which has never felt the luxuries that we take for granted - cars, computers, food on the table every night, a warm bed, safety, good water, malls, or education.

This article is directed towards privileged people here in America. I'm not condemning anyone for having money, being rich, being American, or being free of strife. No, that's fine, you've earned your money, or your parents and family. You (or your parents) have worked hard for it. We deserve it. That's not what bothers me. I'd be a real ignorant fool if I can condemn anyone for just being themselves and having money. What bothers me, and what I want to point out, are the minute things that people make out to be big deals and the end of their "shitty" world.

Around me, I've listened to people bitch and bitch and complain like its the end of the world about how life is so bad because you're doing horrible in school (at your own fault, because you go downtown four nights a week) or how your life is ruined because you didn't make the Lacrosse team. I've heard people say its the end of their world because their bf/gf cheated on them and broke up with them, yeah - its definitely the end of the world. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, DON'T JUST SIT THERE AND CRY.

I've listened to people bitch, complain, and throw tantrums because mommy and daddy didn't spend the extra 15K to buy you that new BMW. I've heard and seen a NINETEEN year old brag and show off her new $50,000 2006 7 Series BMW to her friends that mommy and daddy bought for her because (and get this) because she lost 15 lbs. They made an agreement that if she lost 15 fucking pounds, they'd buy her a new 7 series B-M-FUCKING-W. It's sad; they had to bargain with their daughter to LOSE WEIGHT AND BE HEALTHY (wow there's a revelation, something is wrong with her if she doesn't want to be healthy on her own). Sorry, I apologize; I don't hate fat people or anything – no…. Just something about that bargain and situation isn't right. When a person is being persuaded to lose weight and bargained with, 800 million people around the world are wishing they could gain weight and eat, but are malnourished, hungry, starving, and dying.

I'm no saint, but I'm certainly not ignorant. Complaining about minute things and making it the end of the world because daddy won't spent the extra $15,000 for your new bimmer or self-indulging yourself in your pity and believing life as we know it "sucks" because your asshole loser boyfriend broke up with you shows your ignorance of worldly affairs and immaturity in life.

My final point I'd like to make is a positive one: appreciate how fortunate you are and forget about the little things, there are bigger things in this world to worry about.

Live life and be happy