"I love everything about this week :)"
I was annoyed. So I responded, in a civil manner,
"I know you didn't go to Virginia Tech, or wasn't directly affected, but I feel that is totally inappropriate."
That is not what pissed me off. How she responded pissed me off. How she doesn't put herself in our shoes pissed me off. Guess how she responded? Verbatim:
"Your response to my away message was completely inappropriate. How dare you pass judgment on me when you cant even be thankful for me showing concern for your well being in a time of crissis. You have no right to judge my life that you know nothing about! Dont tell me im not sympathetic just because im not going to let a tragedy overcome the things i am most grateful for. I am not going to stop being happy in my life every time someone dies. Yeah I do have friends at Tech.. People I called the second I found out. So yeah I do care so screw you!"
WHAT THE FUCK. Screw me? Was I not civil? She totally flew off the handle and backlashed at me... I wasn't like "omg you stupid mofo take that away mesage down."
I'm not saying she doesn't care, that's not the point. I'm not saying to cease life and mourn, I don't expect that. HAVE SOME CONSIDERATION HOWEVER. Can you act more self-absorbed and make this whole thing about you?
In her defense, she was happy that her brother got engaged. Yes, that's terrific news and definitely something to be happy about, but don't say you're happy about everything this week. Say, "Congratulations to my brother," or SOMETHING ELSE....
And how am I passing judgment on her life by saying one statement was inappropriate? She has friends at Tech, knows people that go there, and is surrounded by people who went to Tech. I am so angry right now... I'm not saying she has to be miserable or sad, but there is a time and place.
All I'm saying is to have consideration! If a friend lost his parents or a loved one, I'm not gonna say "I love everything about this week :)"
It would be OK if she lived in Australia, and knew nobody that went to Tech. Then her statement wouldn't be "inappropriate." But that's not the case.
Remember the DC Sniper? She had a friend that lost an uncle to the DC Sniper, do you think if she had "I love everything about this week:)" up that week, her friend would be OK with that? You think people in DC would be happy if she said that to people???? NO.
And this girl is backlashing at me? NO.
What's your thoughts/input/comemnts? Anyone can comment. Tell me if I was unreasonable. Tell me if her message was inappropriate or OK.